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App: Delivery

Delivery is a special plugin which can be embedded to any other application or website and allow to track user's task by external ID and bounded tracker in the real time.


where key – is a session key generated with API call /user/session/delivery/create.


The plugin can be easily customized with the following parameters provided as GET params:

  • performer\_type – You can use an employee or vehicle label as the tracker marker label. Values: employee, vehicle, tracker.
  • performer\_label – You can set the custom tracker marker label.
  • external\_id – The task external ID, specified in task creation/edit form.
  • hide\_task(1,0) – Hides task. In this mode you can track only the tracker(courier).
  • display\_fields – You can show only important information in the task info panel. Names of fields are listed through a comma. Fields: label, description, address, period.
  • prompt\_placeholder– The task external ID prompt placeholder e.g "Order ID"
  • panel\_align – Specifies the task info panel align. Values: tl – Top-Left corner, tr – Top-Right corner, bl – Bottom-Left corner, br – Bottom-Right corner.
  • panel\_scale – Specifies the task info panel size. Values: small, medium, bigmedium is the default value.
  • color – Specifies the task marker and the tracker marker color. Values: FF0000 (red), FF9900 (orange), 339966 (green), 3366FF (blue). FF9900 (orange) by default.

Available colors: 000000, 993300, 333300, 003300, 003366, 000080, 333399, 333333, 800000, FF6600, 808000, 008000, 008080, 0000FF, 666699, 808080, FF0000, FF9900, 99CC00, 339966, 33CCCC, 3366FF, 800080, 969696, FF00FF, FFCC00, FFFF00, 00FF00, 00FFFF, 00CCFF, 993366, C0C0C0, FF99CC, FFCC99, FFFF99, CCFFCC, CCFFFF, 99CCFF, CC99FF, FFFFFF.


Autoscaling means that the scale of the map and the center of the area are automatically selected so that all displayed objects are visible.


  • 0 – do not scale
  • 1 – scale (by default)

Map scale

The zoom parameter allows to specify map scale by default. Parameter will be ignored with switched on autoscaling.


  • roadmap – Google
  • satellite – Google satellite
  • osm – Open Street map
  • doublegis – 2Gis
  • osmmapnik – OSM mapnik
  • wikimapia – Wikimapia
  • mailru –
  • yandexpublic – Yandex Public map
  • cdcom – Progorod

API for keys

Authorisation on API

To use the calls described further you have to be authorized in system as it is described according to the link: API authorization

Creating a key

Use the following API call to create a new key\_HASH

answer example if the key is successfully generated:

  "success": true,
  "value": "206831ba32ec9d2a6f7b91b033a48912"


Previous key (if you already have got one), will be replaced with the new one. All the links like will not work anymore.

Retrieving a key

To acquire the key you have created earlier, please use the method

The reply will look like as follows:

  "success": true,
  "value": "206831ba32ec9d2a6f7b91b033a48912"

Last update: October 23, 2020