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Working with zones

Zones used in rules to limit rule area of activity. Also, zone names shown in reports after the address, if an event happened inside the zone.

This document describes CRUD actions for zones. Note that zone points handled separately because they are represented by big arrays of data.

Entity description

zone is JSON object with one of types: sausage, circle or polygon.


    "id": 985472,
    "type": "circle",
    "label": "Zone name",
    "address": "Karlsplatz, 2",
    "color": "27A9E3",
    "radius": 150,
    "center": {
        "lat": 48.200940,
        "lng": 16.369856
    "tags": [127, 15]
  • id - int. Zone ID.
  • label - string. Zone label.
  • address - string. Zone address.
  • color - string. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format.
  • radius - int. Circle radius in meters.
  • center - location object. Location of circle center.
  • tags - Array of int. Array of tag IDs.


    "id": 124597,
    "type": "polygon",
    "label": "Zone name",
    "address": "Karlsplatz, 2",
    "color": "27A9E3",
    "tags": [1,236]
  • id - int. Zone ID.
  • label - string. Zone label.
  • address - string. Zone address.
  • color - string. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format.
  • tags - Array of int. Array of tag IDs.


Represents all points within certain distance to the specified polyline.

    "id": 12345,
    "type": "sausage",
    "label": "Zone name",
    "address": "Karlsplatz, 2",
    "color": "27A9E3",
    "radius": 150,
    "tags": [289]
  • id - int. Zone ID.
  • label - string. Zone label.
  • address - string. Zone address.
  • color - string. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format.
  • radius - int. Polyline radius in meters.
  • tags - Array of int. Array of tag IDs.

API actions

API base path: /zone


Convert batch of tab-delimited circle zones and return list of checked zones with errors.

required sub-user rights: zone_update


name description type
batch Batch of tab-delimited places. string
file_id ID of file preloaded with /data/spreadsheet/parse method. string
fields Optional, array of field names, default is ["label", "address", "lat", "lng", "radius", "tags"]. array of string enum
geocoder Optional. Geocoder type. string enum
default_radius Optional. Radius for point, default is 100. int

If 'file_id' is set – 'batch' parameter will be ignored. For batch parameter: address - required if no coordinates specified. lat - required if no address specified. long - required if no address specified.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "batch": "Geofence for test    Karlsplatz, 2"}'


    "success": true,
    "list": [{
      "id": null,
      "type": "circle",
      "label": "Zone name",
      "address": "Karlsplatz, 2",
      "color": "27A9E3",
      "radius": 100,
      "center": {
        "lat": 48.2009935,
        "lng": 16.3699642
      "tags": []
    "limit_exceeded": false 
  • id - int. Zone ID.
  • label - string. Zone label.
  • address - string. Zone address.
  • color - string. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format.
  • radius - int. Circle radius in meters.
  • center - location object. Location of circle center.
  • tags - Array of int. Array of tag IDs.
  • limit_exceeded - boolean, true if given batch constrained by limit

response with errors object

    "success": true,
    "list": [{
      "id": null,
      "label": "Zone name",
      "address": "incorrect address",
      "color": "27A9E3",
      "radius": 100,
      "center": {
        "lat": 0.0,
        "lng": 0.0
      "errors": [{
        "parameter": "",
        "error": "Location should be correct with 'lat' and 'lng' not null"
      "tags" : []
    "limit_exceeded": false  
  • errors - optional object. It appears if parameters incorrect.
    • parameter - string. Parameter name.
    • error - string. Error description


  • 234 - Invalid data format.


Creates a new zone.

required sub-user rights: zone_update


name description type
zone zone JSON-object without "id" and "color" fields. JSON object
points Array of new points for this zone. Must contain at least 3 elements. MUST be omitted if zone does not support points (e.g. circle) array of zone point objects
zone.color Optional. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format. Default is "27A9E3". string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "zone": {"label": "Zone name", "address": "zone address", "radius": 100, "center": {"lat": 56.827001, "lng": 60.594296}}}'


    "success": true,
    "id": 1234567
  • id - int. An id of the created zone.


  • 202 (Too many points in a zone) – max allowed points count for a zone is 100 for a polygon or 1024 for sausage.
  • 230 (Not supported for this entity type) – if "points" were specified, but zone cannot have any points associated with it (e.g. if zone is circle).
  • 268 (Over quota) – if the user's quota for zones exceeded.


Deletes user's zone by zone_id or array of zone_ids.

required sub-user rights: zone_update


name description type format
zone_id Id of a zone. int 1234567
zone_ids Array of zone ids. array of int [1234567, 2345678]
  • Use only one parameter zone_id or zone_ids.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "zone_id": "1234567"}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 (Not found in the database).
  • 203 (Delete entity associated with).


    "success": false,
    "status": {
        "code": 203,
        "description": "Delete entity associated with"
    "entities": [
            "type": "rules",
            "ids": [12345, 23456]
  • ids - array of int. List IDs of the rules which uses the specified zone.


Gets all user zones.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b"}'


    "success": true,
    "list": [{
      "id": 12345,
      "type": "sausage",
      "label": "Zone name",
      "address": "Karlsplatz, 2",
      "color": "27A9E3",
      "radius": 150,
      "tags": [289]
  • list - array of objects. Zone objects without points field.


Update zone parameters for the specified zone. Note that zone must exist, must belong to the current user, and its type cannot be changed, e.g. if you already have a zone with ID=1 which type is "circle", you cannot submit a zone which type is "polygon".

required sub-user rights: zone_update


name description type
zone zone JSON-object without "id" and "color" fields. JSON object
zone.color Optional. Zone color in 3-byte RGB hex format. Default is "27A9E3". string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "zone": {"label": "Zone name", "address": "zone address", "radius": 100, "center": {"lat": 56.827001, "lng": 60.594296}}}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 (Not found in the database) – if zone with the specified ID cannot be found or belongs to another user.
  • 231 (Entity type mismatch) – if type of the submitted zone differs from type of the zone currently stored in the database.


Import geofences from KML file.

required sub-user rights: zone_update

MUST be a POST multipart request (multipart/form-data), with one of the parts being a KML file upload (with the name "file").


name description type
file A KML file upload containing geofences data. file upload
default_radius Default radius for circle and route geofence in meters. Min 20, default 150. int
dry_run If true returns ready to create geofences or creates it and returns list of IDs otherwise. Default true. boolean
redirect_target Optional. URL to redirect. If redirect_target passed return redirect to <redirect_target>?response=<urlencoded_response_json> string


if dry_run=true:

  "success": true,
  "list": [
      "id": null,
      "label": "Simple line 1",
      "address": "",
      "color": "27A9E3",
      "points": [
          "lat": 37.818844,
          "lng": -122.366278,
          "node": true
          "lat": 37.819267,
          "lng": -122.365248,
          "node": false
          "lat": 37.819861,
          "lng": -122.36564,
          "node": false
          "lat": 37.819429,
          "lng": -122.366669,
          "node": true
      "radius": 150,
      "type": "sausage"

if dry_run=false:

    "success": true,
    "list": [ 1, 2 ]


  • 202 (Too many points in a zone) – max allowed points count for a zone is 100 for a polygon or 1024 for sausage.
  • 233 (No data file) – if file part is missing.
  • 234 (Invalid data format).
  • 268 (Over quota) – if the user's quota for zones exceeded.

From Placemark with Point geometry will be created circle geofence with a radius=default_radius.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
            <name>named point</name>

From Placemark with LineString geometry will be created route geofence with a radius=default_radius.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
        <name>Simple line</name>

From Placemark with Polygon geometry will be created polygon geofence. Polygons with holes not supported. In that case only the outer boundary will be imported and the inner boundary, holes, ignored.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
        <name>Simple polygon</name>
            <name>hollow box</name>

From Placemark with MultiGeometry geometry will be created several geofences. If defined it will be used as geofence name with respect of hierarchy of Folder and Document.

Last update: November 2, 2020