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Sensor actions

API base path: /tracker/sensor


Data types

Sensor sub-types: Metering sensor

    "type": "metering",
    "id": 860250,
    "sensor_type": "temperature",
    "name": "OBD Coolant temperature",
    "input_name": "obd_coolant_t",
    "divider": 1.0,
    "accuracy": 0,
    "units": "",
    "units_type": "celsius"
    "parameters": {
      "parent_ids": [123042, 123566]
      "volume": 0.7,
      "min": 0.0,
      "max": 12.0,
      "max_lowering_by_time": 120.0
      "max_lowering_by_mileage": 120.0
  • id - int. Sensor's id.
  • sensor_type - string enum.
  • name - string. A name of sensor.
  • input_name - string.
  • divider - double.
  • accuracy - int.
  • units - string.
  • units_type - string enum. Units type for a sensor.
  • parameters - optional object with additional parameters.
    • parent_ids - optional array of parent_ids for composite sensor.
    • volume - double. Optional. Volume for composite sensor.
    • parent_ids - optional. Array of int. Array of parent_ids for composite sensor.
    • volume - optional. Double. Volume for composite sensor.
    • min - optional. Double. Min acceptable raw value for a sensor.
    • max - optional. Double. Max acceptable raw value for a sensor.
    • max_lowering_by_time - optional. Double. Max legal value lowering per hour.
    • max_lowering_by_mileage - optional. Double. Max legal value lowering per 100 km.

Discrete input

  "type": "discrete",
  "id": 888951,
  "sensor_type": "ignition",
  "name": "Ignition",
  "input_number": 4
  • id - int. An id of a sensor.
  • sensor_type - string enum. Type of the sensor.
  • name - string.
  • input_number - int. Assigned input number.


List tracker sensors bound to trackers with specified identificators (parameter trackers).

There exist a similar method for working with a single tracker - list.


Name Description Type
trackers Set of tracker identificators. Each of the relevant trackers must be accessible to the authorized user and not be blocked. Number of trackers (length of array) is limited to a maximum of 500 (this number may be changed in future). array of ints


Contains a map, where keys are IDs from trackers parameter and values are lists of sensor objects.

  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "11": [
        "id": 1,
        "type": "discrete",
        "sensor_type": "fuel",
        "name": "Main tank",
        "input_name": "fuel_level",
        "group_type": null,
        "divider": 1,
        "accuracy": 0,
        "units": null,
        "units_type": "litre"


  • 217 (List contains nonexistent entities) - if one of trackers either does not exist or is blocked.
  • 221 (Device limit exceeded) - if too many ids were passed in trackers parameter.


Creates a sensor.

required sub-user rights: tracker_update


name description type
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int
sensor Sensor object. JSON object


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "sensor": {"type": "metering", "id": 860250,"sensor_type": "temperature", "name": "OBD Coolant temperature", "input_name": "obd_coolant_t", "divider": 1.0, "accuracy": 0, "units": "", "units_type": "celsius"}'


    "success": true,
    "id": 937
  • id - int. An id of created sensor.


  • 232 (Input already in use) – if given input number (for discrete input) or input name (for metering sensor) already in use.
  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions, or some other reason.
  • 219 (Not allowed for clones of the device) – if tracker is clone.
  • 270 (Too many sensors of same type) - the number of tracker's sensors, having same sensor_type is limited.


Deletes a sensor with sensor_id from the database.

required sub-user rights: tracker_update


name description type format
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int 123456
sensor_id Sensor id. int 234567


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "sensor_id": "23456"}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 - Not found in the database (if sensor with a sensor_id is not exists or owned by other user).
  • 208 – Device blocked (if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions or some other reason).
  • 219 – Not allowed for clones of the device (if tracker is clone).


List tracker sensors bound to tracker with specified id (tracker_id parameter).


name description type format
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int 123456


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456"}'


   "success": true,
   "list": [{
    "type": "metering",
    "id": 860250,
    "sensor_type": "temperature",
    "name": "OBD Coolant temperature",
    "input_name": "obd_coolant_t",
    "divider": 1.0,
    "accuracy": 0,
    "units": "",
    "units_type": "celsius" 
  • list - list of sensor objects. See sensor object description.


  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions, or some other reason.


Updates sensor.

required sub-user rights: tracker_update


name description type
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int
sensor Sensor object. JSON object


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "sensor": {"type": "metering", "id": 860250,"sensor_type": "temperature", "name": "OBD Coolant temperature", "input_name": "obd_coolant_t", "divider": 1.0, "accuracy": 0, "units": "", "units_type": "celsius"}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 (Not found in the database) – if sensor not exists or owned by other user.
  • 232 (Input already in use) – if given input number (for discrete input) or input name (for metering sensor) already in use.
  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions, or some other reason.
  • 219 (Not allowed for clones of the device) – if tracker is clone.

Last update: October 23, 2020