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API path: /track.


Downloads track points as KML/KMZ file for the specified track ID, tracker and time period.


name description type format
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int 123456
from From time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone). string date/time "2020-09-23 03:24:00"
to To time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone). Specified date must be after "from" date. string date/time "2020-09-23 06:24:00"
track_ids Optional. If specified, only points belonging to the specified tracks will be returned. If not, any valid track points between "from" and "to" will be returned. array of int [123456, 234567]
include_gsm_lbs Optional. If false && track_ids not specified, GSM LBS points will be filtered out. Default=true. boolean true
point_limit Optional. If specified, the returned track will be simplified to contain this number of points. Min=2, Max=3000. If not specified, the server settings to decimates track will be used. int 300
filter Optional. If specified, the returned track will be filtered, applicable only for LBS tracks now. boolean true
format File format, "kml" or "kmz", default is "kml". string enum "kml"
split If true, split tracks by folders with start/end placemarks and track line. Default=false. boolean false


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "from": "2020-09-23 03:24:00", "to": "2020-09-23 06:24:00", "format": "kml", "split": "false"}'


KML/KMZ file or JSON response if requested time period exceeds limit specified in a tracker's tariff:

    "success": true, 
    "list": [], 
    "limit_exceeded": true 


  • 204 (Entity not found) – if there is no tracker with such ID belonging to authorized user.
  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions or some other reason.
  • 211 (Requested time span is too big) – if interval between "from" and "to" is too big (maximum value specified in API config).


Gets a list of track descriptions for the specified tracker and time period.


name description type format
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int 123456
from From time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format in user's timezone. string date/time "2020-09-23 03:24:00"
to To time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format in user's timezone. Specified date must be after "from" date. string date/time "2020-09-23 06:24:00"
filter Optional, default=true. If true, tracks which are too short (in terms of length and number of points) will be omitted from resulting list. boolean true
split Optional, default=true. If false, all tracks will be merged into single one. boolean true
include_gsm_lbs Optional, default=true. If false, GSM LBS tracks will be filtered out. boolean true
cluster_single_reports Optional, default=false. If true, single point reports will be clustered by its coordinates. boolean false
count_events Optional, default=false. If true, number of events occurred during each non-singlepoint track will be returned. true


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "from": "2020-09-23 03:24:00", "to": "2020-09-23 06:24:00"}'


    "success": true,
    "limit_exceeded": false,
    "list": [{"track_info": }]
  • limit_exceeded - boolean. true if the requested time period exceeds limit specified in a tracker's tariff.
  • list - array of JSON objects. List of zero or more JSON objects.

where is either , , or :

regular object:

    "id": 123456
    "start_date": "2020-09-23 03:39:44",
    "start_address": "1255 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020, USA",
    "max_speed": 62,
    "end_date": "2020-09-23 06:39:44",
    "end_address": "888 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021, USA",
    "length": 5.5,
    "points": 327,
    "avg_speed": 49,
    "event_count": 3,
    "norm_fuel_consumed": 1.07,
    "type": "regular",
    "gsm_lbs": false
  • id - int. Track id.
  • start_date - string date/time. Track start date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 03:39:44".
  • start_address - string. Track start address.
  • max_speed - int. Maximum speed in km/h, e.g. 96.
  • end_date - string date/time. Track end date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 05:18:36".
  • end_address - string. Track end address.
  • length - float. Track length in kilometers, e.g. 85.5.
  • points - int. Total number of points in a track, e.g. 724.
  • avg_speed - int. Average speed in km/h, e.g. 70.
  • event_count - int. Number of events on this track. Field will be omitted if "count_events" is false.
  • norm_fuel_consumed - float. A consumed fuel on track, litres. Field will be omitted if no vehicle bound to tracker or no normAvgFuelConsumption defined in a vehicle.
  • type - string enum. Used to distinguish this track type from the others.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. GSM LBS point flag.

single_report object. Returned if device was creating reports in "interval" mode (e.g. M7 tracker in interval mode):

    "id": 123456,
    "type": "single_report",
    "start_date": "2020-09-24 03:39:44",
    "start_address": "1255 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020, USA",
    "avg_speed": 34,
    "gsm_lbs": false,
    "precision": 10
  • id - int. Track id.
  • type - string enum. Used to distinguish this track type from the others.
  • start_date - string date/time. Point creation date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 03:39:44".
  • start_address - string. Point address.
  • avg_speed - int. Average speed in km/h, e.g. 70.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. GSM LBS point flag.
  • precision - optional int. Location precision, meters.

merged object. Only returned if "split" is set to false:

    "start_date": "2020-09-24 03:39:44",
    "start_address": "1255 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020, USA",
    "max_speed": 62
    "end_date": "2020-09-24 06:39:44",
    "end_address": "888 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021, USA",
    "length": 5.5,
    "points": 327,
    "avg_speed": 49,
    "event_count": 3,
    "norm_fuel_consumed": 1.07,
    "type": "merged",
    "gsm_lbs": false
  • start_date - string date/time. Track start date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 03:39:44".
  • start_address - string. Track start address.
  • max_speed - int. Maximum speed in km/h, e.g. 96.
  • end_date - string date/time. Track end date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 05:18:36".
  • end_address - string. Track end address.
  • length - float. Track length in kilometers, e.g. 85.5.
  • points - int. Total number of points in a track, e.g. 724.
  • avg_speed - int. Average speed in km/h, e.g. 70.
  • event_count - int. Number of events on this track. Field will be omitted if "count_events" is false.
  • norm_fuel_consumed - float. A consumed fuel on track, litres. Field will be omitted if no vehicle bound to tracker or no normAvgFuelConsumption defined in a vehicle.
  • type - string enum. Used to distinguish this track type from the others.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. GSM LBS flag.

cluster object. Only returned if "split" is set to true:

    "start_date": "2020-09-24 03:39:44",
    "start_address": "1255 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020, USA",
    "end_date": "2020-09-24 06:39:44",
    "precision": 500,
    "points": [{"lat": 56.829274,"lng": 60.597125}, {"lat": 56.829279,"lng": 60.597123}],
    "type": "cluster",
    "gsm_lbs": false
  • start_date - string date/time. Track start date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 03:39:44".
  • start_address - string. Track start address.
  • end_date - string date/time. Track end date, in user's timezone e.g. "2011-06-18 05:18:36".
  • precision - optional int. Location precision, meters.
  • points - array of points in a cluster.
  • type - string enum. Used to distinguish this track type from the others.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. GSM LBS flag, true if cluster contains only GSM LBS points.


  • 204 (Entity not found) – if there is no tracker with such ID belonging to authorized user.
  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions or some other reason.
  • 211 (Requested time span is too big) – if interval between "from" and "to" is too big (maximum value specified in API config).


Gets track points for the specified track ID, tracker and time period.


name description type format
tracker_id Id of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int 123456
from From time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone). string date/time "2020-09-23 03:24:00"
to To time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone). Specified date must be after "from" date. string date/time "2020-09-23 06:24:00"
track_id Optional. If specified, only points belonging to the specified track will be returned. If not, any valid track points between "from" and "to" will be returned. int 234567
include_gsm_lbs Optional, default=true. If false && track_id not specified, GSM LBS points will be filtered out. boolean true
point_limit Optional. If specified, the returned track will be simplified to contain this number of points. Min=2, Max=3000 int 3000
filter Optional. If specified, the returned track will be filtered, applicable only for LBS tracks now. boolean false


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "from": "2020-09-23 03:24:00", "to": "2020-09-23 06:24:00"}'


    "success": true,
    "limit_exceeded": true,
    "list": [
            "lat": 53.445181,
            "lng": -2.276432,
            "alt": 10,
            "satellites": 8,
            "get_time": "2011-06-18 03:39:44",
            "address": "4B Albany Road, Manchester, Great Britain",
            "heading": 298,
            "speed": 70,
            "precision": 100,
            "gsm_lbs": true,
            "parking": true
  • limit_exceeded - boolean. true if requested time period exceeds limit specified in a tracker's tariff.
  • lat - float. Latitude.
  • lng - float. Longitude.
  • alt - int. Altitude in meters.
  • satellites - int. Number of satellites used in fix for this point.
  • get_time - string date/time. GPS timestamp of the point, in user's timezone.
  • address - string. Point address. Will be "" if no address recorded.
  • heading - int. Bearing in degrees (0..360).
  • speed - int. Speed in km/h.
  • precision - optional int. Precision in meters.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. true if location detected by GSM LBS.
  • parking - optional boolean. true if point does not belong to track.


  • 204 (Entity not found) – if there is no tracker with such ID belonging to authorized user.
  • 208 (Device blocked) – if tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions or some other reason.
  • 211 (Requested time span is too big) – if interval between "from" and "to" is too big (maximum value specified in API config).

Last update: November 23, 2020