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Working with employees

Employees are used to represent people working at one's organization. They can be linked with other entities such as trackers, vehicles, places, etc.

Employee object

    "id": 222,
    "tracker_id": null,
    "first_name": "John",
    "middle_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "442071111111",
    "driver_license_number": "SKIMP407952HJ9GK 06",
    "driver_license_cats": "C",
    "driver_license_valid_till": "2018-01-01",
    "hardware_key": null,
    "icon_id" : 55,
    "avatar_file_name": null,
    "department_id": null,
    "location": {
        "lat": 52.5,
        "lng": 13.4,
        "address": "Engeldamm 18"
    "personnel_number": "1059236",
    "tags": [1,2],
    "fuel_consumption": 8.2,
    "fuel_cost": 27.1
  • id - int. Internal ID. Can be passed as null only for "create" action.
  • tracker_id - int. An id of the tracker currently assigned to this employee. null means no tracker assigned.
  • first_name - string. First name. Cannot be empty. Max 100 characters.
  • middle_name - string. Middle name. Can be empty, cannot be null. Max 100 characters.
  • last_name - string. Last name. Can be empty, cannot be null. Max 100 characters.
  • email - string. Employee's email. Must be valid email address. Can be empty, cannot be null. Max 100 characters.
  • phone - string. Employee's phone without "+" sign. Can be empty, cannot be null. Max 32 characters.
  • driver_license_number - string. Driver license number. Can be empty, cannot be null. Max 32 characters.
  • driver_license_cats - string. Driver license categories. Max 32 characters.
  • driver_license_valid_till - string date (yyyy-MM-dd). Date till a driver license valid. Can be null.
  • hardware_key - string. A hardware key. Can be null. Max 64 characters.
  • icon_id - int. An icon id. Can be null, can only be updated via avatar/assign.
  • avatar_file_name - string. A name of the updated avatar file. Nullable, can only be updated via avatar/upload.
  • department_id - int. An id of the department to which employee assigned. Can be null.
  • location - optional object. Location associated with this employee, should be valid or null.
    • address - string. Address of the location.
  • personnel_number - optional string. Max length is 15.
  • tags - array of int. List of tag ids.
  • fuel_consumption - decimal. Fuel consumption rate of employee's vehicle, measured in liters per 100 km.
  • fuel_cost - decimal. The cost of a liter of fuel used by employee's vehicle.

API actions

API base path: /employee.


Gets all employees belonging to user.


    "success": true,
    "list": [<employee>]
  • list - a list of employee objects.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b"}'


General types only.


Create new employee. If tracker id is specified, tracker's label will be changed to employee full name.

required sub-user rights: employee_update.


name description type
employee An employee object without id field. Non-null. JSON object
force_reassign if true, specified tracker will be assigned to employee even if it already assigned to another Boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "employee": {"tracker_id": 625987, "first_name": "John", "middle_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "", "phone": "442071111111", "driver_license_number": "SKIMP407952HJ9GK 06", "driver_license_cats": "C", "driver_license_valid_till": "2018-01-01", "hardware_key": null, "icon_id" : 55, "avatar_file_name": null, "department_id": null, "location": {"lat": 52.5, "lng": 13.4, "address": "Engeldamm 18"}, "personnel_number": "1059236", "tags": [1,2]}'


    "success": true,
    "id": 111 //id of the created employee
  • id - int. An id of the created employee.


  • 247 – Entity already exists, if tracker_id!=null and exists an employee that already bound to this tracker_id.


Gets employee by its id.


name description type
employee_id Id of an employee. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "employee_id": 111}'


    "success": true,
    "value": {
     "id": 222,
     "tracker_id": null,
     "first_name": "John",
     "middle_name": "Jane",
     "last_name": "Smith",
     "email": "",
     "phone": "442071111111",
     "driver_license_number": "SKIMP407952HJ9GK 06",
     "driver_license_cats": "C",
     "driver_license_valid_till": "2018-01-01",
     "hardware_key": null,
     "icon_id" : 55,
     "avatar_file_name": null,
     "department_id": null,
     "location": {
         "lat": 52.5,
         "lng": 13.4,
         "address": "Engeldamm 18"
     "personnel_number": "1059236",
     "tags": [1,2],
     "fuel_consumption": 14.2,
     "fuel_cost": 9.99
  • value - an employee object.


  • 201 – Not found in the database (if there is no employee with such an id).


Update existing employee. If it had tracker assigned and tracker id had changed, tracker label will be prepended with "Deleted ". New tracker's label will be changed to employee full name.

required sub-user rights: employee_update.


  • employee – an employee object Non-null.
  • force_reassign – if true, specified tracker will be assigned to employee even if it already assigned to another | name | description | type | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | employee | An employee object with id field. Non-null. | JSON object | | force_reassign | if true, specified tracker will be assigned to employee even if it already assigned to another | Boolean |


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "employee": {"employee_id": 111, "tracker_id": 625987, "first_name": "John", "middle_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "", "phone": "442071111111", "driver_license_number": "SKIMP407952HJ9GK 06", "driver_license_cats": "C", "driver_license_valid_till": "2018-01-01", "hardware_key": null, "icon_id" : 55, "avatar_file_name": null, "department_id": null, "location": {"lat": 52.5, "lng": 13.4, "address": "Engeldamm 18"}, "personnel_number": "1059236", "tags": [1,2]}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 – Not found in the database (if there is no employee with such an id).
  • 247 – Entity already exists, if tracker_id!=null and exists an employee that already bound to this tracker_id.


Deletes an employee with the specified id. If it had tracker assigned, tracker label will be prepended with "Deleted "

required sub-user rights: employee_update.


name description type
employee_id Id of an employee to delete. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "employee_id": 111}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 – Not found in the database (if there is no employee with such an id).


Convert batch of tab-delimited employees and return list of checked employees with errors.

Required sub-user rights: employee_update.


name description type
batch Batch of tab-delimited employees. string
file_id Preloaded file ID. string
fields Optional. Array of field names. Default is ["first_name", "middle_name", "last_name", "email", "phone"]. array of string
geocoder Geocoder type. string
default_radius Optional. Radius for point in meters. Default is 100. int
  • If file_id is set – batch parameter will be ignored.

Note that employees created this way must have either phone or email specified.


    "success": true,
    "list": [{
      "success": true,
      "value": {
       "id": 222,
       "tracker_id": null,
       "first_name": "John",
       "middle_name": "Jane",
       "last_name": "Smith",
       "email": "",
       "phone": "442071111111",
       "driver_license_number": "SKIMP407952HJ9GK 06",
       "driver_license_cats": "C",
       "driver_license_valid_till": "2018-01-01",
       "hardware_key": null,
       "icon_id" : 55,
       "avatar_file_name": null,
       "department_id": null,
       "location": {
           "lat": 52.5,
           "lng": 13.4,
           "address": "Engeldamm 18"
       "personnel_number": "1059236",
       "tags": [1,2], 
       "fuel_consumption": 10.0,
       "fuel_cost": 0.94,
       "errors": <array_of_objects>
    "limit_exceeded": false    
  • list - list of checked employees.
    • errors - optional array of errors.
  • limit_exceeded - boolean. true if given batch constrained by a limit.


  • 234 - (Invalid data format).

Last update: February 11, 2021