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Check-ins are created using Mobile Tracker App (Android / iOS). They contain date/time, address, coordinates and additional information (comment, photo, filled form) which is provided by app user after pressing the "Check-in" in the tracker app. Using check-ins field personnel can provide information to their HQ while on site. For example, provide photo proof of the work done, or notify about a malfunction along with filled form describing the problem.

Check-ins cannot be created using web API, so all actions are read-only.

Check-in object

    "id": 1,
    "marker_time": "2017-03-15 12:36:27",
    "user_id": 111,
    "tracker_id": 222,
    "employee_id": 333,
    "location": {
        "lat": 56.5,
        "lng": 60.5,
        "address": "Moltkestrasse 32",
        "precision": 150
    "comment": "houston, we have a problem",
    "files": [{
        "id": 16,
        "storage_id": 1,
        "user_id": 12203,
        "type": "image",
        "created": "2017-09-06 11:54:28",
        "uploaded": "2017-09-06 11:55:14",
        "name": "lala.jpg",
        "size": 72594,
        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "metadata": {
          "orientation": 1
        "state": "uploaded",
        "download_url": ""
    "form_id": 23423,
    "form_label": "Service request form"
  • id - int. An id of a check-in.
  • marker_time - string date/time. Non-null. The time of check-in creation.
  • user_id - int. Non-null. An id of the master user.
  • tracker_id - int. Non-null. An id of the tracker which created this check-in.
  • employee_id - optional int. An id of the employee assigned to the tracker.
  • location - non-null object. Location associated with this check-in marker.
    • address - string. Address of the location.
  • comment - optional string. A comment provided by app user.
  • files - list of objects. Non-null. May be empty.
    • id - int. File id.
    • storage_id - int. Storage id.
    • user_id - int. An id of the user.
    • type - string enum. Can be "image" | "file".
    • created - string date/time. Date when file created.
    • uploaded - string date/time. Date when file uploaded, can be null if file not yet uploaded.
    • name - string. A name of the file.
    • size int. File size in bytes. If file not uploaded, show maximum allowed size for an upload.
    • metadata - metadata object.
      • orientation - int. Image exif orientation.
    • state - string enum. Can be "created" | "in_progress" | "uploaded" | "deleted".
    • download_url - string. Actual url at which file is available. Can be null if file not yet uploaded.
  • form_id - int. An id of the form which was sent along with a check-in, can be null.
  • form_label - string. Label of the form which was sent along with a check-in, can be null.

API actions

API path: /checkin.


Get check-in which id is equal to checkin_id.

required sub-user rights: employee_update.


name description type
checkin_id Id of the check-in entry. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "checkin_id": 1}'


    "success": true,
    "value": {
        "id": 1,
        "marker_time": "2017-03-15 12:36:27",
        "user_id": 111,
        "tracker_id": 222,
        "employee_id": 333,
        "location": {
         "lat": 56.5,
         "lng": 60.5,
         "address": "Moltkestrasse 32",
         "precision": 150
        "comment": "houston, we have a problem",
        "files": [{
         "id": 16,
         "storage_id": 1,
         "user_id": 12203,
         "type": "image",
         "created": "2017-09-06 11:54:28",
         "uploaded": "2017-09-06 11:55:14",
         "name": "lala.jpg",
         "size": 72594,
         "mime_type": "image/png",
         "metadata": {
           "orientation": 1
         "state": "uploaded",
         "download_url": ""
        "form_id": 23423,
        "form_label": "Service request form"


  • 7 – Invalid parameters.
  • 204 – Entity not found – when the marker entry is not exists.


Gets marker entries on a map for trackers and for the specified time interval.

required sub-user rights: employee_update.


name description type
trackers Optional. Array of tracker ids. All trackers must not be deleted or blocked (if list_blocked=false). If not specified, all available trackers will be used as value. array of int
from Optional. Start date/time for searching. date/time
to Optional. End date/time for searching. Must be after "from" date. date/time
conditions Optional. Search conditions to apply to list. See Search conditions. Allowed fields are employee, location, marker_time, comment. array of string
sort Optional, offset, default is 0. List of sort expressions. See below. array of string
location Optional, location with radius, inside which check-ins must reside Location JSON. For example, { "lat": 56.823777, "lng": 60.594164, "radius": 350 }
limit Optional. Max number of records to return int
offset Optional, offset (starting index of first returned record), default is 0. int
format Optional. If empty, JSON will be returned. Otherwise server will return file download in specified format. Can be "pdf" or "xlsx" string
show_nearby_geo_entities Optional. If true, the call will search for places and zones where the location of the check-in falls and add their description to the response. boolean
condition fields
Name Type Comment
employee number? id
tracker_id number
marker_time DateTime
location string address
comment string
form number template's id

It's a set of sort options. Each option is a pair of field name and sorting direction, e.g. ["location=asc", "employee=desc", "marker_time=desc"].

sort fields
Name Type Comment
employee string? full name
tracker_id number
marker_time DateTime
location string address
comment string
form string label


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "trackers": [616384,345623], "from": "2020-08-05 03:06:00", "to": "2020-09-05 03:00:00", "offset": 20, "limit": 100, "format": "xlsx"}'


    "success": true,
    "list": [<checkin>],
    "count": 22
  • list - list of check-in objects.
  • count - int. Total number of check-ins (ignoring offset and limit).

When parameter show_nearby_geo_entities is set, <checkin> will contain additional fields places and zones.

 "places": [{
      "id": integer,
      "label": string
  }, ],
  "zones": [{
      "id": integer,
      "label": string
  }, ]


  • 7 – Invalid parameters.
  • 211 – Requested time span is too big (more than maxReportTimeSpan config option).
  • 217 – The list contains non-existent entities – if one of the specified trackers does not exist, is blocked or doesn't have required tariff features.
  • 221 – Device limit exceeded (if device limit set for the user's dealer has been exceeded).


Deletes check-ins with the specified id-s.

required sub-user rights: checkin_update.


name description type
checkin_ids List of check-in ids. array of int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "checkin_ids": [2132,4533]}'[2132,4533]


    "success": true


  • 7 – Invalid parameters.
  • 201 - Not found in the database - check-ins with the specified ids don't exist, or their corresponding trackers are not available to current sub-user.

Last update: March 2, 2021