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How to get track points for trips

Sometimes necessary to get all points of a trip with more info about the device's moves. How to get them?

Firstly you need to get hash.

Once you get the hash, you need to get your tracker_id. The platform must know points for what device must be in reply.

Now you can get all points for the interesting period using /track/read API call.
Parameters that necessary for this call:

  • tracker_id - we got them in tracker/list call. Use only one tracker_id per call. It should be an integer.
  • from - a string containing start date/time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone).
  • to - a string containing end date/time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone).

Optional parameters:

  • track_id - we can get them using track/list API call. If specified, only points belonging to the specified track will be returned. If not, any valid track points between from and to will be returned. All requested track ids must be unique and not null.
  • include_gsm_lbs – boolean. It may contain true or false. If false && track_id not specified, GSM LBS points will be filtered out. It is true by default.
  • point_limit – int. If it specified, the returned track would be simplified to contain this number of points. Min=2, Max=3000.
  • filter – boolean. If true, the returned track will be filtered, applicable only for LBS tracks. It is false by default.

The platform will reply:

    "success": true,
    "limit_exceeded": true,
    "list": [
            "lat": 53.445181,
            "lng": -2.276432,
            "alt": 10,
            "satellites": 8,
            "get_time": "2011-06-18 03:39:44",
            "address": "4B Albany Road, Manchester, Great Britain",
            "heading": 298,
            "speed": 70,
            "precision": 100,
            "gsm_lbs": true,
            "parking": true
  • limit_exceeded - boolean. true if the requested time period exceeds limit specified in a tracker's tariff.
  • lat - float. Latitude.
  • lng - float. Longitude.
  • alt - int. Altitude in meters.
  • satellites - int. Number of satellites used in fix for this point.
  • get_time - string date/time. GPS timestamp of the point, in user's timezone.
  • address - string. Point address. Will be "" if no address recorded.
  • heading - int. Bearing in degrees (0..360).
  • speed - int. Speed in km/h.
  • precision - optional int. Precision in meters.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. true if location detected by GSM LBS.
  • parking - optional boolean. true if point does not belong to track.

You can also download a KML file. You could use this file with map services. It is useful if you need to see all points on the map:

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": "123456", "from": "2020-09-23 03:24:00", "to": "2020-09-23 06:24:00", "format": "kml", "split": "false"}'

All parameters are identical with track/read with the except of two new optional parameters:

  • format – string. File format, "kml" or "kmz". Default is "kml".
  • split – boolean. If true, split tracks by folders with start/end placemarks and track line. Default false.

Last update: October 1, 2020