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B2Field Backend API


Each API resource semantically corresponds to some entity, for example: geofences, rules, objects, etc. The API calls for CRUD and other operations with these entities have similar names regardless the resource used: list, read, create, delete.

Standard workflow (example)

Let's describe standard workflow for API developer using very simple and most common example — requesting the track points data:

  1. Determine URL to API calls.
  2. Authorize with user/auth. This API method will return the hash you should use for all your next API calls.
  3. Get objects lists with tracker/list.
  4. Get track lists with track/list.
  5. Get the track itself: track/read.

In other words, to start working with API, the developers should have API call description (as provided herein), and know user login and password.

API base URL

Depending on the physical location of the platform it will be:

  • for European B2Field ServerMate platform.
  • for American B2Field ServerMate platform.
  • https://api.your_domain/fsm for the self-hosted (On-Premise) installations.

For example, to make user/auth API call on the European B2Field ServerMate, you should use the URL:

API calls format

Notation used in this doc:


Which means that you should use the following URL:


with named parameters:

  • parameter1
  • parameter2
  • parameter3 is optional

Parameters can be passed in the:

  • HTTP POST application/json with JSON content, recommended
  • HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded with parameters in the request body
  • HTTP GET - not recommended, should be used only for idempotent requests with small parameters size
$ curl -X POST '[api_base_url]/resource/sub_resource/action' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
  -d '{"param1": "value1", "hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3"}'
$ curl -X POST '[api_base_url]/resource/sub_resource/action' \
  -d 'param1=value' \
  -d 'hash=a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3' 
$ curl '[api_base_url]/resource/sub_resource/action?param1=value1&hash=a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3'

Hash is required for most API calls to identify user.

Typical actions:

  • list – list all resource entities with IDs and minimum additional info
  • read – read one entity by ID
  • update – update one entity by ID
  • delete – delete one entity by ID

Request and response format

To make API call, for example, resource/action send POST request to


The response will be given with application/json content type, even errors (see error handling). Response fields and object structure is specific to API call.

Ensuring compatibility

Our API evolves over time, and new methods and JSON object fields are being added. We are doing our best to ensure our API remains backwards compatible with legacy API clients. However, you must ensure that any JSON object fields which are not supported by your app are ignored, and that in event if new JSON fields are returned, your application will not break. Also, sometimes, to reduce response size, JSON fields which are NULL are omitted. Your JSON parser should handle missing JSON fields as if they were NULL.

For example

To read user's tracker list use [api_base_url]/tracker/list/?hash=a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3 and get response:

  "success": true,
  "list": [
      "id": 560,
      "label": "GV55",
      "group_id": 12,
      "avatar_file_name": "super-avatar.jpg",
      "source": {
        "id": 2915,
        "model": "gv55lite",
        "blocked": false,
        "tariff_id": 2,
        "phone": "111",
        "status_listing_id": 333,
        "creation_date": "2014-02-02",
        "device_id": "888888888888888"
      "tag_bindings": [
          "tag_id": 1,
          "ordinal": 1
      "clone": true
      "id": 2799,
      "label": "2799",
      "group_id": 0,
      "source": {
        "id": 2692,
        "model": "m7",
        "blocked": true,
        "tariff_id": 5,
        "phone": null,
        "status_listing_id": null,
        "creation_date": "2006-02-10",
        "device_id": "333333333333333"
      "tag_bindings": [
          "tag_id": 9,
          "ordinal": 3
      "clone": false

Or error if hash is wrong:

  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 4,
    "description": "User not found or session ended"

HTTP codes

If success is true, HTTP code is always 200 OK (unless otherwise stated). If there is an error, HTTP code is 400 BAD REQUEST (may vary depending on error type) (see error).

Authorization and access levels

Unless otherwise noted, every API call requires a valid user session hash (A String containing 32 hexademical characters) that can be passed (in order of lookup priority):

  1. As hash parameter of the request body (root-level property for application/json).
  2. As hash parameter of the HTTP query string.
  3. As value of the HTTP header Authorization in the following form:
    Authorization: NVX SessionHashValue
    Following is pseudogrammar that illustrates the construction of the Authorization request header:
    Authorization = "NVX" + " " + SessionHashValue ;
    SessionHashValue = 32 hexademical characters;

Session hash can be obtained via user/auth API call:

$ curl -X POST '[api_base_url]/user/auth' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
       -d '{"login": "demo", "password": "demo"}'

This method is not recommended. Just for example:


Data types

  • bool, boolean - logical type: true of false.
  • byte - signed 8 bits integer in range [-128 .. 128].
  • short - signed 16 bits integer in range [-32,768 .. 32,767].
  • int, integer - signed 32 bits integer in range [-2,147,483,648 .. 2,147,483,647].
  • long - signed 64 bits integer in range [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 .. 9,223,372,036,854,775,807].
  • float - signed 32 bits float number [3.40282347 x 10^38, 1.40239846 x 10^-45].
  • double - signed 64 bits float number [1.7976931348623157 x 10^308, 4.9406564584124654 x 10^-324].
  • string - string literals.
  • enum - string literals from predefined set.
  • date/time – is a string containing date/time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (in user's timezone).
  • local_time – is a string containing local time in HH:mm:ss format.
  • location – is json object contains geographical coordinates, e.g.
    {"lat": 56.827001, "lng": 60.594296}
  • locale – string in format language\[_country\], where language is ISO 639 alpha-2 language code, and country is ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code, e.g. en_US or ru. User interface support only language codes: ru, en, es, ar, de, pt, ro and uk.


  • maxHistoryLimit = 1000 – maximum count of history entries from listing requests
  • maxReportTimeSpan = 120 days – maximum interval in for most requests

Error handling

If an error occurs, API returns special error response. You can also detect error by checking HTTP response code. If it's not 200 OK, you should parse and handle response body as an error response. In the event of error occurs, the response will be in the following format:

  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 1,
    "description": "Database error"
where code is one on the error codes.

Error codes

Default HTTP code is 400. Common error codes (should be handled for all API calls) are 1-100 and resource or action specific errors are 101-300.

code description HTTP code
1 Database error 500
2 Service Auth error 403
3 Wrong user hash
4 User not found or session ended
5 Wrong request format
6 Unexpected error 500
7 Invalid parameters
8 Queue service error, try again later 503
9 Too large request 412
11 Access denied 403
12 Dealer not found
13 Operation not permitted 403
14 Database unavailable 503
15 Too many requests (rate limit exceeded) 429
101 In demo mode this function is disabled 403
102 Wrong login or password
103 User not activated
111 Wrong handler
112 Wrong method
201 Not found in database
202 Too many points in zone
203 Delete entity associated with
204 Entity not found 404
206 Login already in use
207 Invalid captcha
208 Device blocked 403
209 Failed sending email
210 Geocoding failed
211 Requested time span is too big
212 Requested limit is too big
213 Cannot perform action: the device is offline
214 Requested operation or parameters are not supported by the device
215 External service error
217 List contains nonexistent entities
218 Malformed external service parameters
219 Not allowed for clones of the device 403
220 Unknown device model
221 Device limit exceeded 403
222 Plugin not found
223 Phone number already in use
224 Device ID already in use
225 Not allowed for this legal type 403
226 Wrong ICCID
227 Wrong activation code
228 Not supported by sensor
229 Requested data is not ready yet 404
230 Not supported for this entity type
231 Entity type mismatch 409
232 Input already in use
233 No data file
234 Invalid data format
235 Missing calibration data
236 Feature unavailable due to tariff restrictions 402
237 Invalid tariff
238 Changing tariff is not allowed 403
239 New tariff doesn't exist 404
240 Not allowed to change tariff too frequently 403
241 Cannot change phone to bundled sim. Contact tech support.
242 There were errors during content validation
243 Device already connected.
244 Duplicate entity label.
245 New password must be different
246 Invalid user ID
247 Entity already exists 409
248 Wrong password
249 Operation available for clones only 403
250 Not allowed for deleted devices 403
251 Insufficient funds 403
252 Device already corrupted
253 Device has clones
254 Cannot save file 500
255 Invalid task state
256 Location already actual
257 Registration forbidden 403
258 Bundle not found 404
259 Payments count not comply with summary
260 Payments sum not comply with summary
261 Entity has external links 403
262 Entries list is missing some entries or contains nonexistent entries
263 No change needed, old and new values are the same
264 Timeout not reached 403
265 Already done 403
266 Cannot perform action for the device in current status 403
267 Too many entities
268 Over quota 402
269 Invalid file state
270 Too many sensors of same type already exist
271 File over max size 413

Last update: December 17, 2020